
#100DaysOfCode Day64

Day 64 October 24, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Set up freeCodeCamp locally (Work in progress)
    • Solved an error and completed npm run bootstrap

I solved the error in npm run bootstrap but now I'm facing another error in the next step npm run seed. The same error has been filed as an issue in freeCodeCamp's GitHub repo recently so I might wait a few days to see how it goes. I will work on something else while waiting for it.

I solved the error in npm run bootstrap by globally installing opencollective beforehand by npm install -g opencollective

The error I was seeing
error commitizen@2.10.1 postinstall: `opencollective postinstall`
error Exit status 1
error Failed at the commitizen@2.10.1 postinstall script.

Set up freeCodeCamp locally

Link to work:
Commented on GitHub issue

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