
#100DaysOfCode Day87-90

I was stuck in how to use Google Calendar API and had little progress during these days, even forgot to tweet/blog. But did worked more than 1 hour per day!

Day 87 November 17, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Start researching how to use Google Calendar API on a public website
  • Wrote a post on dev.to about my first PR

I want a pomodoro timer which can automatically log the time on Google Calendar. It is working on my local but I can't find out how to securely store the API key and Client ID on a public server. Researching.

Also, I translated my blog post and posted it on dev.to. I'm grateful about this experience so I wanted to post it there.

Link to work:
sidemt/pomcal: Pomodoro timer integrated with Google Calendar
Post on dev.to: My first PR was merged into dev.to!

Day 88 November 18, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Researching how to use Google Calendar API on a public website

Researching how to publicly deploy a web app which uses Google Calendar API. But I'm confused. The document says it only works in the <script> tag on a html file. I'm afraid doing so discloses the API key and Cliend ID. Is it secure?

Link to work:
sidemt/pomcal: Pomodoro timer integrated with Google Calendar

Day 89 November 19, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Researching how to use Google Calendar API on a public website

I got a reply to my tweet and it seems OK to disclose the API key and Client ID of Google Calendar API, if it is restricted properly on the developer console. I was trying to hide the key and was trying to use Glitch or Firebase to store the key securely. (Such as using environment variables but didn't work as I expected)

Link to work:
sidemt/pomcal: Pomodoro timer integrated with Google Calendar

Day 90 November 20, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Google Calendar API, start over from the sample code

The code I had on my local was too messy and I couldn't understand how to organize it so I set up the 'Getting Started' sample again to understand what I need and what I don't need in order to get the API work.

Link to work:
sidemt/pomcal: Pomodoro timer integrated with Google Calendar

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