Day 50 October 10, 2018
Today's Progress:
- freeCodeCamp's Pomodoro Clock project
- Created a function to increment break length, decrement/increment session length
- Started developing a function to countdown
It's Day50!! I'm proud that I have come here without missing a day. I didn't think I could do it.
Today I started developing the countdown function using setInterval and clearInterval.
4ヶ月前の私が書いたブログに助けられました。→ On the New Orbit: コールバック関数を自分のために解説 (JavaScript)
これ↓引数として渡すときは、関数名の後に()を付けない。渡した時点で今すぐ実行するのではなく、関数の定義をhigher-order functionに渡すだけなので。
clearIntervalで止まらない→ setInterval()の戻り値
参考: window.clearInterval - Web API インターフェイス | MDN
Link to work:
GitHub: sidemt/pomodoro-clock
Day50: It's Day50!! I'm proud that I have come here without missing a day. I didn't think I could do it.
— sidemt (@siideemt) 2018年10月10日
Today I started developing the countdown function of Pomodoro Clock using setInterval and clearInterval.#100DaysOfCode #freeCodeCamp
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