
#100DaysOfCode Day66

Day 66 October 26, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Completed the setup of freeCodeCamp dev environment

Finally, I have freeCodeCamp running on my local! There is no first timers welcome issue now but I'm hoping to contribute someday.

I also completed the freeCodeCamp lessons of "Managing Packages with Npm" and "Basic Node and Express" in these 2 days.

Link to work:

The successful output of npm run commands

These are what the terminal should look like when the npm run commands in the freeCodeCamp installation process go successfully. (They take long time to complete!)

freeCodeCamp をローカルにセットアップするときのnpm runコマンドが上手くいったときの表示。画面に変化がないままめっちゃ時間かかって、成功してるのか失敗したのか分からなかったので…参考になれば。

npm run bootstrap
npm run seed
npm run develop

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