
#100DaysOfCode Day95-97

Day 95 November 25, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Improvement on the event name/description fields to show the current value

Changed the input fields to use React so that it can show the current value for event name/description. Need improvement on design.

Link to work:
sidemt/pomcal: Pomodoro timer integrated with Google Calendar

Day 96 November 26, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Improvement on the design of the input form

Added some style to the form. It is difficult to keep it simple and easy to understand while adding new features.

Link to work:
sidemt/pomcal: Pomodoro timer integrated with Google Calendar

Day 97 November 27, 2018

Today's Progress:

  • Small improvements on design
    • Add hover effect on toggle switch
    • Changed what to show when use is not signed in
    • Changed button, label, placeholder text of the form

Took a day off from the challenge due to some work stuff, and today made some improvements on my pomodoro timer. Slightly changed the design and descriptions, button texts etc.
Learned that React DOM sanitizes embedded user input values in JSX by default. Smart!

Now I'm having difficulty in writing this log every day... 3 more days to go!

Link to work:
sidemt/pomcal: Pomodoro timer integrated with Google Calendar

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